The WV AEIS will start with a robust data collection effort to understand the economic factors applicable to each airport, along with the activities occurring at each. When the quantitative data has been collected, it will be modeled to calculate the direct impacts of aviation activity along with the multiplier impacts of that activity. The quantitative and qualitative study findings will then be used in conjunction to develop a variety of deliverables tailored to different audiences. Throughout the entire study, stakeholders and the public will be engaged through the use of a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) and this website.

The WV AEIS is projected to be completed over a course of 15 months, as shown in the project schedule provided below. Originally scheduled for a 12-month timeframe, the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the start of critical data collection efforts. As such, the project schedule has been extended three months to account for this delay. The duration of each project task varies, with some being as brief as 3 months and others spanning half of the anticipated project schedule. Project management and public involvement tasks will be conducted continuously over the course of the project.